Solo Exhibitions Launch of AgitPot Studio Messages from the Bays, MU Studio Gallery, 2018 Eye of Horus retrieval installation project, curators, Margaret Roberts and Susanne Callahan. 2012 Lookout, Mori Gallery Sydney, 2006 Haze, volume studies. Mori Gallery, 2005 Kiosk, Mori Gallery Sydney, 2003 Catchment, a field of beakers for Saint Hedwig of Silesia and for Wingecarribee Swamp, Mori Gallery. 2000 Sedge, installation, Mori Gallery Day St Sydney, 1999 Sleight, installation, Mori Gallery, Day St Sydney. 1995 Toni Warburton, Artist. Virtual Vases, Mori Gallery, Leichhardt Sydney, 1991 (Tableau) Transactions, Mori Gallery, Leichardt Sydney, 1990 Audile, Mori Gallery Sydney, 1989 Configuration I, Installation of Terracottas, Fine Arts Gallery Maharaja Sarajevo University Vadodora, Gujarat, India. 1988 Object Scenarios, (catalogue) Central Gallery, Griffith University Queensland, 1986 Ceramics, Christine Abrahams Gallery, Melbourne. 1985 Vase Rattle and Box (Dislocation from Place), Mori Gallery, 1984 Attachment to place: Ceramics & Pictures, Mori Gallery, 1982